Sunday, September 30, 2007

Munich Syndrome & Jazzy Curtis Allen

I'm going to feature two groups today. I've noticed that I talking about groups that don't have a lot of free downloads, so I'm going to give you one of each. This first one is pretty good in my humble opinion, but they don't have any songs for download. I think they are worth a listen if you like electronica music.

Click HERE to go to the Munich Syndrome SoundClick page.

The next band has a wide range of stuff to listen to: electronica to classical with Jazz being the main thread through most of it. Of the 39 songs on his SoundClick page, 36 are free for download.

Click HERE to go to the Curtis Allen SoundClick page.

Saturday, September 29, 2007

Ooh! Guitar Mayhem with Wolf Static

This group has just about every style of guitar you could think of. Rock, Country, Acoustic, etc .... Check them out. I love the guitar riffs in their songs Sam's Town and Mayhem. Once again, I say check them out.

They do have only one song that is free for download, but in any case, they are worth an ear or two.

Click HERE to check out their main page on SoundClick.

Friday, September 28, 2007

Wide Range with Bessinnox

None of his songs are for download, but he's got some good stuff to listen to. Bessinnox ranges from the soft classical of his song Rain to the suspenseful, action film symphonic sequences like in his song Battlefield to the wonderful beats of his song X-Ray. In other words, there is a good range of songs to listen to. If you are looking for variety of songs to listen to while you are browsing the Internet, Bessinnox is a good place to start. Why not listen to him while you're reading this blog?

Click Here to Visit the Bessinnox page on

Wednesday, September 26, 2007

Classic Rock - Jossh Style

The band Jossh did some stuff in the mid-1990's. They split up in 1995 according to their SoundClick page. In 2006, they got back together and are writing new material. Their music definitely has the classic rock feel. It doesn't sound like I am listening to stuff recorded today.

I don't know much about classic rock. It really isn't a genre I listen to, but if it is your thing, I think this band fits the bill. Give them a listen.

There are 4 free songs for download.

Tuesday, September 25, 2007

"Don't Stop" with DJ Slow

His name may be DJ Slow, but it won't take you that long to like his music. Right now I am listening to his song Don't Stop (2007 mix), and I like the vibe it has. By the way, the song reached Number One on the SoundClick charts. There are lots of bands registered, so if you can make it to number one, you are pretty good in my book.

There are 35 free songs for download on his SoundClick page. I've listened to a few of them now, and this guy does everything right as far as I am concerned. On his main page, he says that to him melody is the most important part of a song. I agree, and I also agree that he does a very good decent job at melody. I'm definitely downloading all of his stuff. You should too!

Click HERE to visit his main page.

Monday, September 24, 2007

A great place to catch some tunes

A good song can transport you to a different place the same way a book can take you to a different land. But, do you get tired of listening to the same songs over and over again? Everytime you turn on the radio, the same music is being played. Sure, some radio stations do better than others at being creative with their playlist, but in the end you have no choice at what is played - besides requesting a song, which takes too much time. What can you do? Where can you go to get some great music of all genres without spending an arm and a leg?

There are great places on the Internet to get some great music, a lot of times for free or for very little. You can go out and buy the latest CD from BestBuy or your favorite music retailer, but if you just need one song, you can download it from ITunes for a lot less than the cost of one CD. But, what if you are tired of the same mainstream music that you hear on the radio?

Well, there is some great content from less known groups on the Internet as well. One great site that I will feature predominately is, but there are several like it. You can find tons of songs on sites like SoundClick. I'm not sure about other sites, but with SoundClick you can pick your favorite artists and listen to their songs via online radio. That's right! You can choose what to listen to. Several of the artists will have their songs on the site for free download or for a very cheap download.

In future posts, I will discuss further features of and sites like it. I will share some of my favorite artists and which songs of theirs I like. And I, being an amateur musician myself, may even talk about my own songs, which can be found for free download on SoundClick.

Click Here to go to my SoundClick Page.