Monday, May 19, 2008

Two Versions of Meadow Green

Here's a couple of reviews for two versions of the same song. Unless otherwise specified, all of the posts from this point on can also be found on the SoundClick Forums. Enjoy.

Here's a link to version 1: CLICK HERE

Here's a link to version 2: CLICK HERE

My review of "Meadow Green (version 2)" by the Captain!

I'm sort of mixed about this song. There are parts that I like very much, and then there are other aspects that I'm not too crazy about. Overall, though, I like the piece very much. Especially the 1st 30 seconds! The flute and guitar work well together. They have a very soothing, relaxing sound.

This song has great potential. With the right combination of variation, the first 30 seconds could be expanded to be a 2 or 3 minute song, without ever bringing in the louder strings because later in your piece the strings overpower the flute, taking away from the soothing nature at the outset.

At about 1:40, you bring in an organ type instrument. This has nothing to do with you or your piece, but I don't like organs. Oh, and I'm not sure about the flute sample. There is a lot of ambient noise with it, maybe on purpose since flutes often have breath sounds associated with them.

Good work.

My review of "Meadow Green (version 1)" by the Captain!

I listened to the first version of Meadow Green. Overall, I did like this version better than the 2nd version. I never felt that any of the instruments were being overpowered by another part, and it seemed like there were more instruments in the mix (EDIT: what I meant was there was more than just flute and organ, there's a third instrument so it seems), which is always nice. And, the flute sample didn't have as much ambient noise, so I liked this flute better.

The one thing that the second version has which the first version is missing is the guitar. The piano of the first version just doesn't sound as soothing as the guitar in the second version. If I hadn't heard the second version, I wouldn't have thought something was out of place. But, don't get me wrong, the piano sounded just fine.

I'm not sure what one of the instruments used was. I know the flute and the sax. But, there was another one. It could have been a clairnet, but I think it was more horn like, perhaps a french horn. My ear isn't that good when there are tons of things going on. What instrument was that? It's playing at 1:40. ... Now, that I listen to it again, it could also be another flute. What is it?

In a reply post, Cam told me that he thought the mystery instrument was an English Horn.

Oh, I forgot to mention this with the other review, but it's still true with this version. I like the melody. It works well. It's the kind of melody I might catch myself humming.

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